Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I think the "brokenheart of rogerspark" is a great site, very informative. I have lived in the Rogers Park area for over 5 years. My question is with all that has come out from this site and the lack of interest the current aldermen has done (other then saveing ducks!) when will the people in the 49th ward make the change!! Get someone else in! Remember we the people vote a person in office to represent OUR interest's.
I used to live on Greenleaf near Sheridan I rented for 2 yrs. I saw how Morse failed getting "good" business and the gangs selling drugs. That is why I sad to say bought a condo alittle south in Edgewater. What a difference 1.7 miles makes!! I am still in the 49th ward, but it is much better down alttle south! Edgewater has vibrant business's not to mentioned much safer!
I look at getting a new Aldermen from the perspective of "things can't get much worse" it would only get better! Let's think about getting someone in office who represents US the people of the 49th ward!! .